Akkerman HealthCare Management, Inc. offers a variety of services for your healthcare organization needs. Our expert staff can handle the billing and coding for your practice allowing your staff greater opportunities to build relationships with your patients. We can engage and consult with you to find solutions to any area of concern. We provide professional support when you are short staffed. Partnering with our expertise can increase the success of your project initiatives. Akkerman HealthCare Management, Inc. is a recognized education provider for certified professional coders in the healthcare setting. Classes are available in person or online.
It’s expertise that makes the difference in the health care management business. With Akkerman HealthCare Management, Inc (AHCM-Inc) you don’t need to hire specialized billers and coders. Our professionals speak the language of HIPAA compliance, payer contracting, insurance claim submission and denial resolution. Akkerman HealthCare Management, Inc. is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive, personalized, cost-effective claims billing and patient accounting services.
Healthcare companies face dramatic changes in customer behavior, market dynamics and regulatory demands. Akkerman HealthCare Management, Inc. works with healthcare companies to deliver better value for patients, spark innovation and reduce the cost and complexity of your operating systems. Akkerman HealthCare Management, Inc. delivers on best-in-class revenue enhancements and is dedicated to performance improvement.